Tuesday 21st October 2014

Continuous clock

4min AMRAP 

  • 600m Run
  • Max rep push-ups

4min rest 

4min AMRAP 

  • 10 BXJ (20/24)
  • 10 Pull-ups

4min rest 

4min AMRAP 

  • 5 Burpees
  • 5 Thursters (30/42.5)

4min rest 

4min AMRAP 

  • 30 Double Unders (double singles)
  • 10 T2B



  1. Looks like a good one! Although also one that could be potentially deceiving on how intense it actually is!

  2. 6am
    Tony; 30 / 2+8 pu, 5+4 (30kg), 3+5 singles
    Rod; 28 / 3+5pu, 5+5 thru (25kg), 2+4 t2b
    Pete T; 40, 2, 3+2thr, 3+23 singles
    Kate S; 32kpu , 3+1 rr, 5 (20kg), 4+2 vs
    Kendell; 53 (kpu) , 3+10 bxj (OY), 3+5 burpees (25kg), 2+7 k2c
    Cindy; 28 (kpu), 2+3 pu(O), 4+1 burpee (20kg), 2+4 tucks (ss, tucks)
    Karis; 13 (1ab) , 2+6 pu, 4+3 burpees, 1+6 t2b
    Adrian; 26, 2+3 pu, 4+3 pu, 2
    Knoxy; 30, 2+2pu, 2+5 thru(20kg), 3+21 skips (singles)
    Sal; 38, 3+10bxj, 5+5burpees(35kg), 2+60 (singles, 5t2b)
    Liv; 25 (1ab), 3+1bxj, 3+2 burpees, 2+7du
    Bec; 36, 4+6bxj, 4+2 burpees, 3+4t2b
    Abbey; 20, 4+8bxj, 4+1thr, 3+4t2b
    Onna; 30, 4+3bxj, 3+1 thr, 3+6t2b
    Adella; 26, 3+8 pull ups, 3+3 burpees (27kg), 2+4 (last 4 vsits)
    Leith; 40(kpu)
    Jono; 55, 3+9, 4, 3+10 rx
    Jess; 20, 4, 4 (6kg), 2+10 (lunges)
    Claudia; 18, 3+6pu, 3+1 thr(25kg), 2(10du)
    Susanna; 30 , 4, 3(30kg), 3
    Rach B; 18pu, 3+2 pu, 4+5 burpees (25kg), 3+19 du
    Candice; 12pu , 2+7 pu, 4+2 burpees, 1+25 du
    Sam; 36 , 3+2 pu, 4+3thru (30kg), 2
    Anna K; 14pu, 2+4bj, 3+4 burpees, 2+21 dus
    Lisa; 17, 2+3, 2+5+3, 2
    Hope; 22, 3 (24”), 4+1 thr, 4+8 t2b)
    Kate Spence; 9 , 2+6 pu (OR), 3+3 burpee, 3+8(singles)
    Gemma M; 10 (kpu) 3+5 pu (RO), 2+5 bur(20kg), 4(singles)
    John; 31, 2+3 pu, 3+1 thr, 2+10 du
    Bryony; 14 kpu, 2+3 pu, 3+5 bur, 4(singles)
    Rach; 15 pu, 2+1 pu, 3+4 DB thr
    Dave; 37, 3+15 ringrow, 4+8 (bs), 4
    Lucy; 15, 2+17, 3+5burp, 3+27 (6t2b)
    Miko; 40, 2, 3+5 bur, 3+10
    JB; 46, 3+7 bxj, 4+5 bur, 3+7 t2b
    Matt M; 40, 3+6bxj, 4+3bur, 2+3t2b (singles)
    Ben; 30, 3, 3+3thr, 2+2
    Mel; 34, 3+8pu (su), 4+4 BP, 4(singles)
    Chelsea; 10, 3, 3+2, 3+4 t2b (5t2b, 5 tuck)
    Caitlin; 8 (kpu), 3+10 step ups 24”, ring rows, 4+3 burpees, 3 (singles, tucks)
    Ella; 25, 3+5bxj , 2+60 (singles)

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