Thursday 13th February 2014


  • 400m Run
  • 15 BXJ (20/24)
  • 15 KBS (16/24)

Finisher: Tabata Coaches Choice

choc balls

Okay guys, as promised here is the recipe for Paleo Choc Balls
(Although original recipe from Coach Nick & passed through Candice but I am taking the credit ).
This is the full recipe but when I made on the weekend, I halved everything and still ended up with 15-20 of them.

500g Almonds
1 tsp cinnamon powder (I put in a bit more)
20 pitted dates
100g 180 Choc Protein Powder
1 tbsp vanilla paste
4 tbsp chia seeds
2-3 tbsp cacao powder
Water to combine (about 400ml)

Blend the almonds first then add the rest of the dry ingredients, then the vanilla paste, dates and water as needed until rum ball like consistency.
Then I rolled in shredded coconut.
Then store in fridge to set.
I think Nick and Candice have both added Spirulina and Goji Berries, so feel free to add your own flair.
They taste great and are perfect for morning tea or pre-WOD.


  1. 6am
    Brett; 18.50 (row, Russian)
    Vanessa G; 18.29 (10kg)
    Callum; 20.28 (24kg)
    Mat; 20.06 rx
    Chris; 18.42 (20kg)
    Sean; 18.18 rx
    Cass; 22.29 (stepups, 12kg)
    Trav L; 18.58 (20kg)
    Kate S; 19.55 rx
    Hope; 19.31 rx
    Lachie; 17.52 rx
    Acacia; 17.35 (12kg)
    Teisha; 20.23 (16’, 10kg)
    Blake; 20.11 (16kg)
    Brig; 20.11 (16kg)
    Paul; 19.25 rx
    Sez; 22.33 (12kg)

  2. Hey that’s not my time…. 17:32rx

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